
Ethan talks to reptiles and white lions before his departure

In order to enrich the testimonies and always with the aim of guiding the ecovolunteers, we propose you, with VolonTerre Africa, the interview BEFORE/AFTER. Ethan Benero, who went through VolonTerre Africa to register and choose his missions, answered our questions just a few days before his departure for South Africa. Find out ... Read more

Testimony of Julie, primate ecovolunteer in Benin

Tomorrow, Saturday June 24, 2017, is World Day dedicated to great primates. For the occasion, Julie shares her experience as a volunteer with the ATO Bénin association. "Ecovolunteering at the ATO Benin primate conservation center isn't all plain sailing. To be honest, I thought I'd be visiting the country, discovering a ... Read more

Testimony of Timothé, eco-volunteer with VolonTerre Africa

Discover the testimony of Timothé, who went to South Africa as an ecovolunteer in a reserve with VolonTerre Africa. The mission that welcomed you VolonTerre Africa - Research and conservation mission Weekly rate 550 euros The work of the ecovolunteer "During my stay at the research and conservation mission, I took part in ... Read more

Testimony of Mathilde, ecovolunteer at Zoorefugio in Ecuador

Mathilde Rémy would like to share with us her experience as an ecovolunteer at the Zoorefugio Tarqui in Ecuador, near Puyo. An enriching experience in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Laurence Dupont: What motivated you in this experience? Mathilde Rémy: I'd already had experience of volunteering with children in ... Read more

Read Rose's testimony about wolves in Russia

Rose went to Russia as an ecovolunteer with the Lupus Laetus association, working to rehabilitate wolves in the wild. Here's what she had to say: "POSITIVE POINTS: Contact with nature, with wolves and with animals in general. Learning how wolves live, discovering the Russian way of life, ... Read more

Volunteers in Patagonia: their stories!

After nine years studying engineering, Kevin decided to set off on an adventure with his girlfriend Audrey. The couple set off for South America with the idea of traveling around Patagonia and up the continent for a few months. Kevin and Audrey "are not athletes", they point out, but ... Read more

Testimony of Mélodie Michaud on mission in Togo and Mexico

Mélodie Michaud, Projects Abroad volunteer on a humanitarian mission in Togo, then on an ecovolunteering mission in Mexico. She later joined Projects Abroad's salaried team in Mexico as assistant manager. In Togo "2pm, Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, Tuesday February 24, 2009. A voice announces that my flight has been delayed, ... Read more

Testimonial to the Panthera Kirghizstan expedition

Testimony of Anna, 18 years old. PANTHERA 2009 expedition with Objectif Sciences International. "Where do you start when you want to write about an experience like the Panthera expedition? This adventure, full of surprises and twists and turns, has to be lived to be truly appreciated! So I'll confine myself to what ... Read more