Environmental volunteer abroad

Find your wildlife conservation volunteering

How does it work?

I choose my environmental volunteering program

I contact the partner association by filling in the online form

I book directly with the association

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Popular wildlife conservation volunteering

They're committed to biodiversity!

Get involved and change the world!

Would you like to make a positive impact on society and the environment while traveling? Do you want to help make the world a greener place? In your spare time, in France or abroad, get involved in an action that's close to your heart!

wildlife conservation volunteering has a triple positive impact 

  • You're living a wonderful and rewarding adventure
  • Your impact on environmental protection is positive
  • Through your action and your financial contribution, you are helping to maintain and develop sustainable activities in local communities.

The website Ecovolontaire is

An inspiring site that inspires action

Cap sur l'écovolontariat is an inspiring site that encourages you to take action to protect biodiversity. You'll find testimonials from ecovolunteers, articles on associations and NGOs, and interviews with personalities committed to the environment! You'll discover different ways of getting involved while traveling, in your own country or abroad. Committed and useful travel means ecovolunteering, scientific travel, ecosolidarity, participative ecotourism...

Enhancing the value of useful travel

Useful travel is a form of participatory tourism that's committed to the planet. You take part in a biodiversity preservation association in your own country or abroad. Your action is voluntary and requires a financial contribution, which can take the form of a donation. Under the banner of useful travel you'll find the terms ecovolunteering, scientific travel, ecosolidarity travel, committed travel... Useful travel responds positively to the resolution of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030.

Solidarity travel, scientific travel, eco-volunteering... New forms of commitment

Have you ever thought of transforming your vacation into an enriching experience for you and beneficial for the planet? Solidarity travel and eco-volunteering are innovative facets of participatory tourism. They offer real immersion in projects with a positive impact.

The educational dimension of scientific travel

Eco-volunteering lets you take an active part in scientific and ecological projects. In the case of trips based on participatory science, we call them scientific trips. These scientific expeditions not only introduce you to beautiful destinations, but also enable you to work with others to conduct research on endangered fauna, flora and ecosystems. The experience not only has an educational dimension, but is also essential to the preservation of our environment.

Solidarity travel as part of a sustainable development approach

Solidarity travel is part of a sustainable development approach that supports local communities. By choosing this type of travel, you contribute to development projects that improve the living conditions of local populations while respecting their culture and environment. It's a unique opportunity to travel ethically, leaving a positive mark on the places you visit.

Become an agent of change!

In addition to the altruistic aspect, these trips offer an unrivalled dimension of learning and sharing. You won't just be a tourist, but an agent of change. You'll leave with in-depth knowledge and often new skills, acquired through direct contact with experts and committed local people.

Eco-participation, a new way to travel

Eco-volunteering, solidarity travel and scientific travel are much more than just vacations. They are an invitation to participate in local initiatives that have a global impact for a sustainable future. These eco-participatory tourism formats transform the very concept of travel, making it active, useful and incredibly rewarding! If you're looking for a transformative travel experience, these options could well redefine the way you see the world!