
Ethan talks to reptiles and white lions before his departure

In order to enrich the testimonies and always with the aim of guiding the ecovolunteers, we propose, with VolonTerre Africa, the interview BEFORE/AFTER.
Ethan Benero, who went through VolonTerre Africa to register and choose his missions, answered our questions just a few days before his departure for South Africa. Find out what state of mind he's in before setting off for a week on the "Reptile Center" mission and two weeks on the "White Lions Conservation" mission.
We'll be asking him a few more questions when he returns at the end of August....

Why did you decide to go on an ecovolunteering mission?
Up until now, I was used to going on vacation in the summer to the same places. I spent my time at the beach, sometimes I visited tourist spots, but all my vacations were very similar. For a few years now, however, I'd been getting bored of these vacations and wanted to do something out of the ordinary. That's why I decided to go on an eco-volunteering mission, in order to do a good deed while having an out-of-the-ordinary vacation.

Was South Africa a specific choice? If so, why?

Initially, I hesitated between South Africa and Australia, as these two countries have always attracted me for their wildlife and the change of scenery I could find there. I can't really say why I finally chose South Africa. Probably because of the very different animals I'll be able to see and the shorter journey to South Africa than to Australia.

Why did you choose these particular missions from VolonTerre Africa's range?
I chose these missions because they will enable me to be in direct contact with wild animals that I particularly appreciate, and to do many different activities.

What do you expect from this adventure?

I expect a lot from this adventure. I'd like to learn more about the country, come into contact with the people who live there and meet lots of animals. I'd also like to take advantage of this trip to exchange ideas with other volunteers from all over the world. Last but not least, I hope this trip will give me the chance to work with wild animals, so that I can learn more and be useful at the same time.

What fears or apprehensions do you have?
I don't really have any fears or apprehensions, but I'm really looking forward to discovering the country and the missions that await me. I hope my expectations will be fulfilled and that I'll leave with some great memories.

To find out about all the missions offered by VolonTerre Africa, go to
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