1 - I choose my ecovolunteering mission
Cap sur l'écovolontariat is a website that offers a wide choice of ecovolunteering missions (eco-participation trips, scientific trips, solidarity missions...) thanks to its many partnerships. The service we offer is one of direct contact. You can search for the ecovolunteer mission that's right for you using filters, which allow you to filter according to different criteria: country, theme, family trips, rates...
2 - Contact the partner association by filling in the online form.
If you're interested in an eco-participation trip, you can contact the partner organization directly. To do so, simply click on the "Contact the association/partner" button and fill in the form.
Once you've filled in the 1st form, you can download the free guide to ecovolunteering and nature volunteering.
3 - The partner association receives your request and contacts you.
4- You book directly with the partner association
Cap sur l'Ecovolontariat's matchmaking service is free for users. The price of your eco-participative trip is the same whether or not you use Cap sur l'Ecovolontariat.
Cap sur l'Écovolontariat partners are associations, NGOs, non-profit organizations or agencies. Some partners offer several missions.
Cap sur l'Écovolontariat has chosen to be totally transparent about its partners. You know who to contact when you fill in the form. The partner association is always indicated at the bottom of the mission sheet.
Partners are subject to a verification process, involving interviews, regular contact, administrative checks, testing of missions by ecovolunteers or visits by professionals.
Some appointment slots are available by videoconference.
Make an appointment here
Some missions are eligible for tax deductions. This means that the partner association or NGO can provide you with a tax receipt for your donation. This tax receipt entitles you to a tax reduction of up to 66% of the amount of your volunteer expenses, in France.
For example, if If your donation amounts to €2,000 - and you pay €3,000 in tax - you will deduct €1,320 from your tax bill.
Ecovolunteering missions, also known as eco-participatory trips, scientific trips... have a positive impact from both a social and ecological point of view. Cap sur l'Ecovolontariat partners work directly on projects or select missions that respond positively to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This response to the SDGs takes various forms: participatory science; education; biodiversity preservation; wildlife protection; waste management; permaculture; community projects... Part of the sum paid by volunteers is used to maintain the host structure, thus promoting a virtuous circle.
Biodiversity Care (Bcare) is the company that operates Cap sur l'Écovolontariat. This is a social and solidarity economy company whose main objective is to pursue social utility within the meaning of Article 2 of Law no. 2015-856 of July 31, 2014.
Its aim is to contribute to sustainable development, energy transition and cultural promotion, by promoting responsible tourism and more specifically eco-tourism. Biodiversity Care contributes to citizenship education, particularly through popular education, by raising awareness of the need to reduce the environmental impact of each and every one of us, notably through advice to individuals and editorial activities. BCare supports sustainable development in its economic, social, environmental and participatory dimensions, energy transition and international solidarity, through the promotion of eco-volunteering.