
Discover the cetacean family

Cetaceans are a diverse group of marine mammals, comprising many different species. Here are the main types of cetacean.

Odontocetes (toothed cetaceans)

  1. Dolphins: Dolphins are among the best-known cetaceans, and include species such as the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphin and spotted dolphin.
  2. Orcas: Orcas, also known as killer whales, are large, social and predatory cetaceans. They are renowned for their intelligence and complex social behavior.
  3. Porpoises: Porpoises are small cetaceans related to dolphins. They are generally smaller and less well-known than dolphins.
  4. Narwhals: Narwhals are long-toothed spiral whales that live in the cold waters of the Arctic. Males have a characteristic tooth that can grow to several meters in length.
  5. Belugas: Belugas are white cetaceans that live mainly in the cold waters of the Arctic. They are also known for their intelligence and complex vocalization.
  6. Sperm whales: Sperm whales are the largest odontocetes, with enormous square heads and distinctive teeth. They dive deep to feed on giant squid.

Mysticetes (baleen whales)

  1. Baleen whales: Baleen whales are the largest living animals on Earth. They include species such as the blue whale, humpback whale, gray whale and others. They feed on plankton and small fish by filtering water through their baleen plates.
  2. Rorquals: Rorquals are a group of baleen whales that include species such as fin whales, Bryde's whales, Minke whales and others. They are characterized by their pleated throats, which allow them to stretch to swallow large quantities of food in a single gulp.
  3. Right whales: Right whales include North Atlantic right whales and South Atlantic right whales. They are called "right" because of their heavy, easy-to-hunt behavior, which has made them vulnerable to whaling.

Volunteering with cetaceans

Are you passionate about marine life and concerned about environmental conservation? Do you dream of living an immersive experience in the company of cetaceans while taking action for their preservation?
Get involved in dolphin or whale preservation by going on an ecovolunteer trip. You'll have the unique opportunity to live a memorable experience while contributing to the protection of cetaceans. Experts in marine biodiversity will introduce you to observation and research techniques, enabling you to appreciate these wonders of nature without disturbing their fragile habitat. Whales, dolphins and orcas are among the most fascinating creatures on our planet. Cetaceans are renowned for their intelligence and complex social behavior. They offer a unique spectacle to all those lucky enough to observe them. So don't hesitate, get on board as a cetacean conservation volunteer!