Do you love walking in the mountains or by the sea, but can't put a name to the different species you come across? Have you ever thought of taking a naturalist training course? There are courses open to beginners as well as the experienced, to develop basic skills in the main naturalist fields such as ornithology, botany and entomology.
In the courses proposed below, cross-disciplinary naturalist skills are also developed: naturalist note-taking; use of naturalist databases; inventory techniques...
Our partner also offers a system of certifications as well as complete courses for future professional naturalists. All training courses here
Naturalist training in the Parc des Ecrins in the Alps
Our partner NGO organizes several naturalist training courses in the famous Ecrins region of the Alps. This mountain environment, particularly rich in biodiversity, gives you the opportunity to study mountain forests, wild valleys and alpine pastures. Training courses take place mainly in the Parc des Écrins. Several sessions are organized, each with its own specificity. These courses are versatile. The aim is to build a solid naturalist culture through ornithology, botany and entomology. During these courses, you note down the names of the animal and plant species you encounter during the week. This information is centralized in a database.
Naturalist training in the high Alps in winter
Discover the Écrins National Park in the heart of winter and learn how to recognize animal tracks, especially in the snow. Winter is also the ideal time to identify birds by ear, as the species are less common in winter. Snowshoeing outings in the field are a great way of spotting mountain ungulates, as they flee high altitudes in winter and are therefore more accessible. This course is designed to be both accessible to beginners, so there are no pre-requisites, and relevant to naturalists who are already competent.
Naturalist training in the Hautes Alpes for beginners
This course, specially designed for beginners, introduces you to all the main fields of natural science. The various themes and contents are adapted to your level to enable you to acquire the basics, particularly in ornithology, botany and entomology. Set in the splendid landscapes of the Parc National des Écrins, you can progress at your own pace, accompanied by an instructor who will listen to your needs.
Naturalist training in the Hautes Alpes in spring
Take advantage of the explosion of biodiversity in the mountains in June to perfect your knowledge! Mountain biodiversity in spring is in full bloom! Insects and birds are in full swing! This is an opportunity for both amateur and experienced naturalists to explore the incredible diversity of environments and species found in this region of the Southern Alps, at the crossroads of continental, Mediterranean and mountain influences.
Wildlife special in the Hautes Alpes
At the time of the deer's brâme, this week of training will be devoted to the study of mammals and in particular large fauna: cervids, mountain ungulates, large predators (wolf, lynx). Research will be carried out in the field. You'll study animal behavior, identify their tracks and the various clues that signal their presence. You'll analyze the interactions between predators and their prey. This course will also enable you to learn about nocturnal birds of prey.
Naturalist training on Brittany's Pink Granite Coast
This course is located on Brittany's pink granite coast, at the foot of the largest nature reserve on the French coast: the 7 Islands Nature Reserve. Here you'll observe exceptional biodiversity, with colonies of seabirds that are unique in France. The nature of the site means that the training will focus mainly on ornithology, but also on the specific fauna and flora of the seashore (study of algae, crustaceans, molluscs...). The course includes field sessions and sailing. You'll discover colonies of Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill and other pelagic birds.
Naturalist training in the Pyrenees: special birds of prey
Set off to the heart of the Basque Country mountains, in the Pyrenees, to observe migratory birds. This course takes place on the border between the Basque Country and Béarn, in the commune of Larrau in the Pyrénées Atlantiques. You'll be close to the famous Col d'Organbidexka, one of Europe's most famous bird migration observation sites.
Any bird enthusiast will tell you that September is the month to be in Iraty. The very formation of the valleys creates a funnel where all the birds of prey that migrate south in search of their wintering grounds pass through. You'll be on a privileged site to observe this incredible migratory journey at close quarters. The course focuses on identifying birds of prey in flight.
Naturalist training courses in the Camargue
Naturalist training courses in the Camargue are organized in what is known as the "biodiversity triangle", reputed to be one of the richest areas in France. You'll be in a global biodiversity hot spot, with an exceptional diversity of natural environments: wetlands of the Camargue, garrigues and cliffs of the Alpilles, steppes of the Crau.
Winter naturalist training in the Camargue
This course focuses on ornithology and invites you to learn or perfect your naturalist skills. It takes place in this remarkable natural environment, which welcomes thousands of wintering birds every winter. Ducks, cranes... The emphasis will be on identifying birds associated with wetlands... Plants and insects will also be on the program.
Spring naturalist training in the Camargue
This session takes place in the Camargue, in the heart of the "Golden Triangle of Biodiversity", where you'll discover exceptional biodiversity. Spring is an ideal time to learn about ornithology, botany, entomology and herpetology. Part of your training takes place in the field, in different ecosystems such as Mediterranean lagoons, Alpilles garrigues, Crau steppes, dunes, marshes or Camargue rice fields. These field trips are complemented by sessions in a small "laboratory" in the heart of the Camargue.
Autumn naturalist training in the Camargue
Autumn is also an excellent time for naturalist activities in the Mediterranean region: whether it's ornithology (at the height of bird migration), entomology (focus on orthopterans and dragonflies) or botany (autumn blooms, grasses), late summer hides more than one treasure in its bag!
Special mountain training in Switzerland
This course takes you to the high mountains in the heart of the "imperial crown" in the Swiss Alps! A week at the summit to discover the flora and fauna adapted to altitude: from alpine meadows with their singularly rich flowering meadows, to high-altitude rocks with their very particular species... the team will guide you in your naturalist practice as you discover new things, whatever your initial level!
Training for everyone
Individual training
Each course can be taken individually. All you have to do is register. We'll help you choose the course that's right for you.
The 9-course cycle
This cycle enables you to take part in 9 naturalist training courses in France and Switzerland. They can be spread over 3 years.
Naturalist University
Spread over a year, you'll complete 9 training courses. Between courses, you take part in supervised projects. An advisor follows your progress.
Special mountain cycle
Mountain enthusiasts and professionals can sign up for 5 training courses in the Pyrenees and Alps. Spread over 2 or 3 years.
How can you add value to your training?
Our partner NGO is offering those who wish to do so the opportunity to take a certification exam in ornithology, botany and entomology. This certification, by level and by naturalist discipline, will lead to the award of a "certificate of naturalist skills" as well as an "Open Badge" detailing the associated bodies of knowledge and skills. These certificates will enable you to attest to your naturalist knowledge and technical skills acquired during these training courses.
Tax deduction *
The NGO partner Objectif Sciences international is recognized for the quality, usefulness, solidarity and educational nature of its stays and training courses dedicated to achieving the goals of sustainable development. The NGO operates on the donation-action principle. A person makes a donation and participates in an NGO action. Note that the person making the donation may be different from the person taking the action. As such, the cost of the training or scientific stay is tax-deductible up to 66% in France.
The NGO partner
Partner NGO Objectif Sciences international has Special Consultative Status with the UN (ECOSOC) and is a member of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition. Specializing in scientific trips, science and participatory research, the NGO believes that education is the driving force behind the Sustainable Development Goals. It offers a range of participatory science trips for adults and minors. All OSI programs here