• BE FRIENDLY! Behind the platform and this contact form, there are real people 🙂 People who are fighting for a better world and who take the time to answer you 🙂 So even if you're just asking for information, answer them with a simple THANK YOU. They'll really appreciate it!


By filling in this contact form, you will get in touch with our partner FUZE ECOTEER, who will contact you. Communication will be in English. As soon as you submit the form, you'll receive a free download link (on notifications) for the Nature and Ecovolunteering Guide.

Choisissez votre mission / Choose your volunteer program(Required)
Date de départ souhaitée / start date(Required)
2 weeks minimum, departure on Mondays between April and September. Dates to be agreed with partner.
Date de fin souhaitée / End date(Required)
2 weeks minimum, departure on Mondays between April and September. Dates to be agreed with partner.
Write in English